We are proud to call TNB Fitness one of the absolute best workout facilities in Nashville. Opened in 2013, the 6,000 square foot space boasts a 30-yard turf, sleds, barbells, kettlebells, performance trainers, and many other pieces of equipment that will help make your fitness journey with us safe, fun, and most importantly effective.

Our spacious locker room is designed with your comfort in mind. There are two large private showers, twenty large lockers, and plenty of vanity space to spread out and get cozy. 

We are currently following government and CDC regulations so that our clients can get back to work safely. We are limiting training to 8 clients per hour. Each client is assigned an individual station so that there is no sharing of equipment and each station has its own hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and disinfectant spray. With our 3000 sq. ft. of training space we have plenty of room to train safely. See our COVID-19 updates page for more detailed information.

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